2024 Bi-Weekly Recycling Pickup

CALL 1-800-488-6242 (MCIA) or 609-655-5141

or email at mciarecycling@mciauth.com

TUESDAYS - Sayrebrook Townhomes, President Park, Oaktree North, Sherwood Forest, Patriot Hill, Horseshoe Road area, Melrose, Morgan, Appletree Village, Morgan Heights, Spinnaker Point, Regents Wharf, Munns Village, Bordentown Avenue (east of the Garden State Parkway), Upper Sayreville,  (Hilltop Avenue area).


Jan. 2, 16, 30 July 2, 16, 30
Feb. 13, 27 Aug. 13, 27
Mar 12, 26 Sept. 10, 24
April 9, 23 Oct. 8, 22
May 7, 21 Nov. 5, 19
June 4, 18 Dec. 3, 17, 31

WEDNESDAYS - Laurel Park, Ernston Estates, Ernston Hill Estates, Woodside Estates, Parkway Homes, Oaktree East, LaMer, Old Bridge section, Bordentown Avenue (west of the Garden State Parkway), Kenneth Avenue, Eugene Boulevard section, and Sayrewoods. 

Jan. 3, 17, 31 July 3, 17, 31
Feb. 14, 28 Aug. 14, 28
Mar 13, 27 Sept. 11, 25
April 10, 24 Oct. 9, 23
May 8, 22 Nov. 6, 20
June 5, 19 Dec. 4, 18
*January 1, 2025 Wednesday changed to January 4, 2025, Saturday

      THURSDAYS - Lower Sayreville (from Van Loan up to and including River Road), all of Jernee Mill Road, Sayre Park, White Oaks, Pine Brook Homes, Hillcrest Homes, Deerfield Road (all areas from Deerfield Road up to and including Marchut Court), Oaktree West, Green Valley, Washington Village, Heritage Woods and Washington Road (both sides from Burke’s Park to the bridge).

Jan. 4, 18 July 6*, 18
Feb. 1, 15, 29 Aug. 1, 15, 29
Mar 14, 28 Sept. 12, 26
April 11, 25 Oct. 10, 24
May 9, 23 Nov. 7, 21
June 6, 20 Dec. 5, 19

*July 4th Thursday changed to July 6th Saturday

FRIDAYS - Sayreville proper, Tangletown, Winding River, Towne Lake. 
Jan. 5, 19 July 5, 19
Feb. 2, 16 Aug. 2, 16, 30
Mar 1, 15, 29 Sept. 13, 27
April 12, 26 Oct. 11, 25
May 10, 24 Nov. 8, 22
June 7, 21 Dec.6, 20

NOTE: Municipal Public Works holidays do NOT affect the recycling collection schedule.

Recycling pickups occur every other week and are managed by the Middlesex County Improvement Authority. Residents are required to place recyclables at the curb (not in the street) by 6 a.m. or no earlier than sunset the day before a scheduled pickup. Filled receptacles cannot weigh more than 50 pounds each.

Collection schedule changes caused by weather emergencies will be announced on radio stations WCTC 1450 AM,  WMGQ 98.3 FM, and NJ 101.5 FM. Schedule changes may also appear on Cable Access Channel 15.
24-hour notice is required for missed pickups. Call(800) 488-6242.