Recycling Information
Recycling Information
Many residents may not know that recycling is the law in New Jersey. In Sayreville we recognize that it’s important for many other reasons. Recycling reduces waste, saves tax dollars and conserves energy by giving previously used natural resources a new life. Sayreville provides curbside recycling services that are managed by the Middlesex County Improvement Authority of “mixed paper”, “cardboard”, and “commingled” recyclables (i.e. metal, plastic and glass). In addition, we have our drop-off center, Fort Grumpy, located at 3750 Bordentown Ave. They are open for recyclables on Monday and Fridays from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm (gates close at 12:55 pm), and the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month from 7:00 am to 12 noon (gates close at 11:55 am), except holidays. (This may be subject to change)
Rinsed containers including: plastic containers marked 1 & 2 (no Styrofoam or bags) that contained beverages, bleach, laundry detergent, light cleaning products, health care product (lotion, shampoo, etc.). Metal cans and glass bottles and/or jars that contained food or beverages are also accepted.
Plastic bags, pizza boxes, drinking glasses, window glass, mirrors, Pyrex glassware, light bulbs, plastic toys, aluminum foil, polystyrene or Styrofoam (such as plastic cups or food trays), paint cans, gutters, oil cans, aerosol cans, pesticide containers.
How to place out for curbside collection:
Place metal cans, glass and plastic bottles in the round, blue container or the blue rectangular container provided by the Borough of Sayreville / MCIA. Any overflow can be placed in your own unlided plastic or metal container -no larger than 32 gallons in capacity.
Containers should be rinsed clean and crushed to maximize capacity. Remove and dispose of caps.
The following items are considered mixed paper and must be recycled:
Newspaper, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, brown paper bags, nonmetallic wrapping paper, office records, computer paper, file folders, receipts, telephone books, soft cover books, hardcover books with covers removed, greeting cards, paperboard such as non-wax coated food and cereal boxes, clean pizza boxes, tissue boxes, shoe boxes and gift boxes.
If you have more newspaper and mixed paper than you can fit in your container, place the overflow in brown paper grocery bags (not plastic bags). Additional newpaper may be bundled, tied and placed next to your container.
Newspaper and mixed paper in plastic bags or paper leaf bags.
Corrugated cardboard, layered cardboard with a center that is shaped into ridges, folds or grooves (such as shipping boxes and the packaging for most appliances or larger household items).
Flatten, bundle and securely tie the cardboard and tie the sheets into stacks no larger than 48 inches square and 12 inches high. These items may be placed next to recycling containers.
Cardboard in bundles larger than 48 inches square and cardboard in plastic bags.
NOTE: The maximum number of recycling bundles of cardboard and or paper bags of mixed paper that the collector will pick up from individual households, each collection, is six (6).
Bulky trash is collected 3 times per year. Delays may occur due to a high volume of pick up calls.
Zone 1: April 3, July 10, October 2
Zone 2: April 10, July 17, October 9
Zone 3: April 17, July 24, October 23
- Windows and doors more than five feet in length must be taken to Fort Grumpy
- Glass and mirrors picked up curbside MUST be broken prior to being set out, and must be packaged/wrapped separately to render it free from hazard.
- Mattresses, box springs and futons MUST be wrapped in plastic to be collected curbside
- Wood (no brush) needs to be tied and bundled NO bigger than four feet in length and free of all nails
- Green automated containers are not permitted for bulk pickup
- NO tires, utility poles, railroad ties
- NO stumps, sod, dirt, concrete, asphalt, or stones
- All construction materials must originate from property which the refuse is placed for collection.
- If a contractor is hired for remodeling or demolition, it is the resident and/or contractor responsibility to remove the debris.
- NO metal with heavy trash*
Supervisor discretion will be used for bulk pickups that do not meet our guidelines.
Please note that cardboard (no matter how large) is not considered bulk. It must be recycled (broken down and bundled and tied) for curside recycling pickups.
There are no special requests for bulk pickups.
Bulky trash is collected on the above mentioned dates. Please note, you no longer need to call to make an appointment. Please follow the guidelines, rules, and regulations. If you have any questions on procedures, please call the DPW office. You may start placing bulk items out Monday night before the scheduled pickup date, but it must be out no later than Wednesday night for your scheduled Thursday pickup.
The following items are NOT accepted in bulk collection but are recyclable. Please see the schedule below:
- *Metal items (BBQ grills, weight benches and weights, treadmills, lawnmowers with no gas, metal swings and basketball poles must be disassembled, with the poles cut into smaller sections, bed rails, etc.). Household appliances (refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, AC units, etc.)
*Metal, Light Iron and Appliance Pickup
By appointment only
Collected January through September, excluding April and July during bulk trash months.
4th Thursday, all zones: Appliances containing refrigerants
4th Friday*: metal, light iron and non-refrigerant appliances (dishwashers accepted as bulk waste).
*Exception August 29th pick up (5th Friday)
No motorized scooters/lithium batteries
Please call to schedule an appointment. Pickup slots are subject to availability.
Public Works (732)390-7008 or 732 390-7043 on the Monday or Tuesday before your scheduled pickup day.
The following items are not accepted in bulk collection but are recyclable at the recycling center, Fort Grumpy, on the days they are open:
Electronics (TVs, computers, cell phones, printers, etc.) Please bring to recycling center.
Borough residents (not businesses) can recycle old computers and televisions at the Sayreville Recycling Center (Fort Grumpy). Hours are weekdays, Monday and Friday only, 7:30 am to 1:00 pm. (gates close at 12:55 pm), and the 1st and 3rd Saturday's 7:00 am - 12 noon (gates close at 11:55 am)(except holiday's) Schedule subject to change
Proof of residency is required.
Items accepted: Desktop and laptop computers, monitors, printers, televisions.
Tires: Please bring to recycling center.
Please do not place these items curbside with regular recycling or bulk.
Grass clippings are recycled in Sayreville from May 2nd to September 30th. Clippings may be placed curbside in a covered, sturdy container, no larger than 32 gallons. Containers must have two handles for easy lifting and the container must be clearly marked “Grass Clippings”. Do not mix with any other type of waste. Make sure to place container at curbside by 6 am on the designated collection day. Plastic bags or biodegradable bags are NOT acceptable for curbside collection of grass clippings.
If your grass collection day falls on a holiday it will be picked up the following week.
Optional drop-off at Fort Grumpy on designated days only. No landscapers are permitted. No leaf bags are accepted with grass.
Leaves must be placed curbside in BIODEGRADABLE PAPER BAGS ONLY. Weight limit: 30 pounds. The bags are provided to residents at no charge, and are available with proof of residency at the Public Works Building or Fort Grumpy Recycling Center. The bags will not be collected if used for any other type of waste. NO PLASTIC BAGS will be collected at curbside or accepted at the recycling center.
Zone 1: March 6, May 1
Zone 2: March 13, May 8
Zone 3: March 14, May 9
Zone 1: Nov. 6, Nov. 20, Dec. 5, Dec 18
Zone 2: Nov. 7, Nov. 21, Dec. 11, Dec. 19
Zone 3: Nov. 14, Dec. 4, Dec. 12
All Schedules are subject to change
Branches MUST BE BUNDLED AND TIED OR THEY WILL NOT BE COLLECTED. The Borough will collect branches no larger than five inches in diameter, plus shrubs and tree parts. All items must be tied in bundles, not to exceed four feet in length, or 30 pounds in weight. Smaller twigs can be placed in open, hard-type containers. Branches left untied or placed in plastic bags or biodegradable bags will not be collected.