Department: Finance
Please view our listing of frequently asked questions to see if an answer to your question is already displayed below.
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- Finance
- When are the bills paid?
Bills are ONLY paid after they are approved at a Regular Meeting of the Borough Council. There are normally 2 meetings a month (usually the 2nd and 4th Mondays of month) but there are only ONE meeting in June, July and August. Checks are not printed until the day after the meeting. After all paper work is processed, the check will be mailed the Thursday after the meeting. Checks can also be picked up in person but we request that you call (732)390-7030 to notify us.
- How can I get copies of Budget Documents?
Summary copies of Budget Documents are available at all public hearings on the Budget and should be available on this website, you may also stop by the Finance Office and pick up a set. The Official Copy of the Budget document is available for viewing in the Clerk's Office as well as the Sayreville Public Library. Copies of the Official Document are avaible through the clerks office but a fee will apply (please contact clerks office for more information on obtaining a copy).
- What is the Borough's Credit Rating?
As of November 7, 2014 Moody's rating was "Aa3".
- When are the bills paid?