Registrar of Vital Statistics
Amy Williams, Registrar
49 Dolan Street
Sayreville, NJ 08872
fax - 732-390-7458
This office is responsible for registering all births, civil unions, domestic partnerships, marriages and deaths that occur in the Borough of Sayreville. Office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am to 1:00pm.
The following information pertains to Vital Statistics:
• Certified copies of births, civil unions, domestic partnerships, marriages, and deaths
• Applications for civil unions and marriages
• Filing of domestic partnerships
• Modifications of all vital records
The fee for all certified copies is $10.00 each. Please click here for the request for certified copy application:
• By mail or Dropbox Our address is 49 Dolan Street (we are behind the Borough Hall, next to the Recreation Department). The mailing address is: Health Department, 49 Dolan Street, Sayreville, NJ 08872. Acceptable methods of payment are money order or check made out to the Borough of Sayreville. Photo copies of ID must be submitted along with request. Please see below for eligibility of a vital record and the acceptable forms of id.
Eligible individuals who can obtain certified copies of vital records.
The individual of legal age, the parents of, a brother or sister of legal age (with proof of their relationship i.e. certified copy of birth certificate showing parents names), the spouse/partner (with proof of civil union, domestic partnership or marriage certificate), the child of legal age (with proof of their relationship i.e. certified copy of birth certificate showing parents names), the grandchild of legal age (with proof of their relationship i.e. certified copies of birth certificate showing parents and grandparents names), the legal guardian/representative with proper court documents within a 2 year period).
Required Identification.
• A valid photo drivers license showing your CURRENT address and signature;
• If a valid photo drivers license is not available, two of the following are necessary:
• A non-photo drivers license
• County ID
• Passport
• Vehicle registration and/or insurance card
• Copy of utility bill, bank statement
• Proof of signature is required
When filling out request form, the information provided must be exact and complete as it appears on the original record. Please provide a phone number where you can be reached should additional information be needed. REMEMBER WE WILL ONLY HAVE YOUR RECORD IF THE EVENT OCCURRED IN SAYREVILLE NOT IF YOU ONLY APPLIED HERE.
For step-by-step instructions click here.
To complete a Domestic Partnership:
• Each partner must sign in front of a notary an Affidavit of Domestic Partnership (Affidavits are available from any local registrars office)
• Partners must be 62 years of age
• Share a common residence or member of NJ State Retirement System
• Jointly responsible for each others common welfare
• Not in any other commitment recognized by NJ Law
• Notarized Affidavit must be taken to any local registrars office to be filed and purchase a certificate of Domestic Partnership
• Fee of $28.00