Guidelines for Signs
26-89.4 General Regulations
A. Signs shall be in harmony and consistent with the architecture of the building and relate to the features of the building in terms of location, scale, color, lettering, materials, texture and depth. Signs shall not be dominant but shall be proportionate and shall complement the building, existing signs and surroundings. B. There shall be consistent sign design throughout a particular project. The design elements include style of lettering, construction material, size and illumination. Lettering on signs shall not extend more than fifteen (15) inches from the base face. C. Signs intended for permanent use shall be constructed of durable materials and shall be permanently affixed to the ground, building or other structure as permitted herein at the location for which approval was received. D. Building signs shall not obscure, conflict with or cover any architectural element and must be aligned with major building elements such as windows, trim and structure lines. E. No sign shall extend or project above the highest elevation of the wall to which it is attached or above the lowest part of the roofline of the building, whichever is less. F. No sign shall be located less than ten (10) feet from a residential zone boundary. G. Illuminated signs. 1. Signs lit by external sources shall be allowed but shall be located in such a manner so as to avoid any glare on adjacent property. Sources of sign illumination shall be completely shielded from the view of vehicular traffic using the road or roads abutting the lot on which the sign is located. 26.89.5 Prohibited Signs A. No off-site advertising sign shall be erected, used or maintained within the Borough of Sayreville provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply to temporary signs otherwise permitted by this Subsection. B. No signs shall be placed on fences, utility poles, trees, railway or road bridges, bridge supports or abutments, retaining walls, or water towers unless approved by the Borough Council. C. No sign shall be placed on an accessory building. D. No roof-top mounted signs, beacons, inflatable signs and/or tethered balloons shall be allowed.
G. No commercial sign shall be allowed in a window which serves a residential use. H. The use and display of temporary portable signs or windsocks, banners or strings or streamers of flags, pennants or spinners or similar objects and devices across, upon, over or along any premises or building, whether as part of any sign or for advertising or public attraction, or otherwise, is prohibited in any zone, except for 1. Temporary displays in business or commercial zones as provided in this section.
I. No signs shall be allowed that are placed on or affixed to vehicles and/or trailers which are parked on a public right-Of-way, public property or private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way where the apparent purpose is to advertise a product service or activity or direct people to a business or activity located on the same or nearby property. This is not intended, however, to prohibit signs placed on or affixed to vehicles or trailers where the sign is incidental to the primary use of the vehicle or trailer. J. No sign shall be allowed which obstructs any window or door opening used as a means of egress, interferes with an opening required for legal ventilation, or is attached to or obstructs any standpipe, fire escape or fire hydrant. |