Health Department
Health Department
Registrar of Vital Statistics
49 Dolan Street
Sayreville, New Jersey 08872
Office Hours:
Health Inspectors 8:15 am - 4:00 pm 732-390-7015
Registrar 8:00 am - 1:00 pm 732-390-7012
The Borough of Sayreville Health Office is overseen by the Middlesex County Public Health Department and is responsible for inspections of retail food and recreational bathing, and body art facilities, as well as, all other issues pertaining to public health. The Health Inspector can be reached at (732) 390-7015 or checkout the website below for upcoming programs or events:
The Sayreville Board of Health conducts a free rabies clinic for dogs and cats on the first Saturday in May every year in the Borough garages outside the Public Works Office behind the Borough Hall. Dogs and cats will be vaccinated from 9am to 12pm. Cats MUST BE brought in carriers. Please bring proof of address. For information on rabies clinics held within Middlesex County, please click here.
For the FLU CLINICS in Middlesex County
please click here.
The Middlesex County Office of Health Services is offering a Cancer Education and Early Detection Program (CEED). You may qualify for a free cancer screening. For more information or an appointment, please call Middlesex County CEED at 732-745-3127.