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New COVID-19 Mobile Testing Site Coming to Sayreville!

Release Date: January 09, 2022

New Covid-19 Mobile Testing Site Coming to Sayreville and surrounding towns. Mail-In tests are also available. Read below for more information and to schedule your free appointment.
In light of the overwhelming spread of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant in Middlesex County and the nation, County officials announced they will be utilizing their mobile testing ability to expand testing capacity to deal with increased testing demand. Starting the week of January 10, 2022, the County will add three new testing sites at the following locations: Monroe Township Recreation Center, East Brunswick Community Arts Center, and Epic Church in Sayreville. Additional mobile sites will be added in the coming weeks.
COVID-19 tests performed at the Middlesex County Health Services sites are free for Middlesex County residents but require an appointment. Residents wishing to make an appointment should visit to register and receive a time to report to the testing site. Appointments will be made available online 48 hours before the test date.
If a resident wishing to be tested does not have access to the internet or has connectivity problems, they are instructed to call 732-745-3100 to make an appointment.
In addition to County testing options, the NJ Department of Health and Vault Medical Services have partnered to offer a free at-home COVID-19 test kit mail-in option. To order a free test kit, visit