
26-82.7         Fences, Walls and Other Dividing Structures

Fence Permit in PDF

A.  Residential zones. Fences or walls in excess of two feet in height shall be considered as accessory uses to a principal permitted use and are permitted in accordance with the standards set forth below: 

1.  Walls up to two (2) feet in height used as retaining walls, or for landscaping, shall be permitted in all yards. 

2.  Fences or walls two (2) feet to six (6) feet in height shall be permitted only in the rear and side yards, up to and behind the front facade of the principal building. On corner lots in the “side’ front yard, fences and walls shall be set back one-half (1/2) the required front yard setback from the property line. On a through-lot, the front yard setback for the district shall dictate the setback of the ‘rear front yard fence. 

3.       All fences and walls shall be set back at least three (3) inches from the property line.


4.  General regulations for fences and walls.  

  a.     No fence or wall shall be so constructed or installed so as to constitute a hazard to traffic or safety.   

  b.     The face or finished side of a fence or wall shall face the adjacent property or     street.  

  c.     No fence or wall shall be constructed with barbed wire, metal spikes or other such dangerous material or constructed in such manner as to be dangerous to animals or humans.  

  d.     Conspicuous chain link fencing without screening and/or landscaping shall not be encouraged.

  e.     All fences and walls require zoning permits and building permits where applicable.  

5.       Non-residential zones. Fences, walls or other similar dividing structures may not be erected until site plan approval for same has been obtained.