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Sayreville Shade Tree Commission update on Arsenal Trade Center Tree Removal

Release Date: August 12, 2022

Sayreville, NJ – The Sayreville Shade Tree Commission has received inquiries about the Arsenal Trade Center Project along Cheesequake Road in Sayreville. Many residents are concerned about the number of trees that have been removed.  The Borough of Sayreville has a Tree Bank which developers are expected to contribute to when a large number of trees are removed.

Arthur Rittenhouse, Chair of the Sayreville Shade Tree Commission has stated that the Arsenal Trade Center has contributed $1.7 million to the Tree Bank and is committed to planting 408 replacement trees on the site. The Shade Tree Commission uses the money in the Tree Bank to replace and place trees throughout the Borough. As far as the Arsenal site, many of the trees that are being removed were at a stage in life that they were dying and were falling.

 Rittenhouse indicated the Shade tree Commission is researching other developments in the Borough to make sure contributions are being made to the Borough.  If contributions are not being made the Shade Tree Commission will be investigating why contributions are not being made to the account.

The Shade Tree Commission meets the third Thursday of each month in the third floor conference room at Sayreville Borough Hall.